Whores, blood, fighting, REAL MEN STUFF. I liked it, a lot. The animating must of taken forever but it was well done. Keep up the good work.
Whores, blood, fighting, REAL MEN STUFF. I liked it, a lot. The animating must of taken forever but it was well done. Keep up the good work.
That was legitimately funny. It was a bit too barbaric and ridiculous for the first half but the completely unexpected other half balanced everything out. But I couldn't stand the simplistic style of the animating, you're going to lose a few points there for that.
Holy shit
I love you <3 That was the greatest Animation I have seen in a long while. I really like the creative stuff you came up with for David to do in the show, giant teddy bears? Switching day to night and back with a snap? Removing clothing? Brilliant!! I love your stuff, keep them coming.
Chris! This is so unexpected, didn't think I would see another piece of your work for another long period of time but you proved me wrong! About the Flash, It was humorous none the less and greatly animated as always. It was very unpredictable and loaded more random props like grease and hanging dead animals, I acknowledge your brilliant mind, I want a piece of it!
glad you liked it! to be fair most of the credit or blame for the plot with this one belongs to the other 3 guys who drew the comic.
Fantastic Stuff
By far, you're my favorite Russian animator! Your work is great, adds a lot of character and sense of world wide contribution to this site. I never saw any of the Saws and don't plan on doing so but I still found it amusing, it was a great parody and I firmly enjoyed it. Keep up the good work, and the subs are indeed, fixed.
What can I say, this is very.. um, unexpected of you or at least it was for me till I just remembered that you done some Flash work for some time now, but I wasn't expecting a Madness submission from you, any time soon.
This definitely incorporates your own style to it, which is an automatic win as it stands out from the rest which just follow the same old guide lines for a 'Madness' Flash. A pretty refreshing story line none the less, which kept me hooked the whole time.
I couldn't give less of a fucking shit about your sloppiness and as you already stated in some reviews, it's just the way you did it, intentionally and a FbF Flash will always be greater then one that uses sprites. Which also brings me to ask, how fucking long did it take you make this?
Either way, music? Not bad, not exactly Technical Death Metal would of made me cum but it was at least not rap.. and it actually fitted quite well with the Flash itself. You might want to look into Necrophagist for some nice heavy stuff if you're interested/never heard of them.
Disappointingly, even on my machine which has quite the impressive stats written all over it, I was incapable of running the Flash smoothly at it's native frame rate, on some scenes where you got really crazy with the Cheese Wiz and vectored a lot on every frame, but that's why I love you.
Err, in conclusion; If Hitler was still alive, this Flash would of ripped his ball sack off and cause it to go over his entire body and kill him from lack of oxygen, all cause of the Awesomeness from the Flash.
Good work, MindChamber. Keep up the good work and only don't listen to the 20 or so dicks that gave you anything below a 5 and said your work is terrible or that they feel 'offended' because they can't tell the difference between Jebus and Jesus and have the final thought that you insulted their god and saviour that they actually never saw or ever will, or that they even care about and only use it as a semi-GAY excuse to give you a bad score so their ego could be better and be confident in themselves to go watch Hentai and feel ashamed of themselves afterwards.
Yeah, good work.
P.S. It's not a 10 because you didn't use one of Stamper's songs and it lagged a tiny bit ;)
haha thanks for the review, if you want you can see it on my utube page, less lag
Jsut like the previous one, it was just a (obviously) redone of the very first one. Not much changed near the beginning and middle but the ending was a bit different, basically each scene was lengthened just a bit more. But I will admit was funny, that's why this is getting a 6 and not a 5. P.S. I enjoyed the super detailed random facial expressions.
Fantastic work.
It was really good, a lot of hard work put into this one as well, but too bad I already saw it on your Youtube account though, but I'm definitely happy I can now watch it in nice high crisp image quality. Upload #4 already : D
thanks! they'll all appear in flash format sooner or later, some people are holding out and waiting.
That was so Metal.
The animation was very solid but the audio could of been better. When the heart was beating, it didn't sound very real.
True!!! After you mentioned the heartbeat sound effect I went back to re-watch it. I totally agree with you! It's definately something that needs to be changed. Thanks for pointing that out. ^__^
Yet another fantastic piece of work, Chris. I highly enjoyed it and can't believe how funny it was. My favorite part was when the dog was explaining the situation he was current in, he said it so greatly. I can't wait for more work from you. And I found that the audio quality for the voice of the yellow fantasy bear was greatly different from all the other characters, could this possibly have been the result of the a different voice actor using a different microphone? Either way, it was no big deal, it just seemed like the quality of recording audio from tv speakers.
glad you liked it! it was quite minor, we recorded in a different room without the pillow fort i usually use to deaden the sound, but yeh the difference is noticeable.
I eat, therefore I exist.
Age 33, Male
Design Director
Joined on 2/13/05